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运用SWOT 分析法对青岛市乡村休闲旅游发展进行分析,结果显示:青岛具有资源丰富、经济发达、交通便利等优势,但同时也存在认识水平不高、农村基础设施落后、产品同质化严重、季节性明显、人才缺乏等劣势;面临旅游新热点形成、政府出台鼓励政策、新型农村社区的建设等新的发展机遇,但周边地区的竞争、生态环境的恶化也对其构成了威胁。在此基础上,提出了提高认识水平、完善基础设施、打造特色品牌、保护资源、培养人才等可行性建议。  相似文献   
基于交往行为理论,建构了以真实性、正当性及真诚性为核心的师生交往评价体系,并据此进行课例分析和文献分析,明确了当前师生交往失效问题的根源在于教师在教育教学中固有的主导地位,即教师常常作为师生交往的言语者。失效的师生交往,正是源于教师漠视与学生建立沟通的正当秩序,忽视学生世界的客观知识基础以及教师对自身主观世界经验的表达失真。为调和成年人世界和未成年人世界的对立,实现有效的师生交往,对哈贝马斯"有效交往"的概念进行本土化改造,提出"和合故能谐"的观点,并以此重构当代教师的师生交往观。  相似文献   

With a history of almost 90 years, professional social work in Romania once flourished up until World War II. The Communist Party disbanded the profession in 1968 and it was reinstated after the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Within the context of the socio-economic transition from a centralised to a free-market economy, Romanian social policy and social work have evolved from a Marxist/socialist-type ideology, one that advocates for state intervention, to a libertarian/neo-liberal-type ideology, which promotes both state withdrawal from welfare provision and individuals taking responsibility for their own welfare. These two trends continue to co-exist subject to sometimes divergent forces such as international institutions and internal Romanian social pressures. Using a qualitative approach, we explore how Romanian social workers are adapting to the neo-liberal realities and identify three types of perceived challenges: 1. those related to regulation, 2. linked with collaboration in social work activity and 3. those related to the social worker-client relationship. Under neo-liberal pressures, the social worker's role of agent of social change becomes marginalised in daily practice, leaving little power to influence agency policies that negatively impact clients.  相似文献   
乡村振兴绕不开空间维度.通过福建土楼修缮的个案分析,展现了物理空间 的修复过程以及由此引发的社会参与和乡村再组织化,在解决地方问题的同时,赋予了空间 新的文化活力.土楼修缮引起的连锁反应改变了乡村面貌,呈现了在空间形塑、主体实践、 文化势能机制下物理空间、社会空间、文化空间相互建构的动态过程,凸显了地方性、社会参 与和文化活化的关键作用.  相似文献   
易学可以分为两部分:理论的层面和术数的层面。学界以往对易学的术数层面关注较少,一是缘于学者对“术数”的偏见,二是术数学自身缺少系统性反思的理论大师。三国时的管辂便是试图对术数学进行理论说明的人。牟宗三曾经藉由管辂来研究中国传统的一类知识系统,但尚有许多内容待发掘。管辂说“善易者不论《易》”,这是对术数易地位的辩护,同时也是对经学易和玄学易的回应。这种反对,不能从象数和义理对立的角度去理解,而应从文本和实践的区别来认识。管辂认为,术数的根本在于“神”,这个神不是玄学或思辨意义上的“玄之又玄”,而是实践意义中的通感和知几能力,它奠基于人自身的命限和气质中。但对于神的体悟又不能仅仅等同于“直觉”和“神秘主义”,因为它对于表现的通孔———象,以及工夫论基础,都有明确的要求。在这里,我们看到了不隶属于理性、直觉或神秘主义的一种独特思维方式。  相似文献   
当前国际教师教育改革转为以卓越为取向的发展趋势。我国台湾地区的"少子化"问题引发了该区域师资供需失调的矛盾,同时多元化的师资培育模式又导致教师素质不断下降。在此背景下,2006年我国台湾地区推行"卓越师资培育奖学金计划"。该计划旨在提升师资培育过程质量、加强绩效管理、建立完善的奖励与竞争机制,通过实现优胜劣汰来保障实施该计划的各院校取得成效。经过试行与正式实施,该计划的成效整体良好。"卓越师资培育奖学金计划"对新时代卓越教师培养具有一定的借鉴意义,如以奖励与竞争的方式优化卓越师资结构、建立卓越教师培养计划退场机制、改革高校教师教育培养模式,等等。  相似文献   
高校公共课是高等教育人才培养体系中的重要一环,而教师是决定公共课教育教学质量的关键。本研究以教师教学反思为研究对象,以教学学术为研究视角,对公共课教师在教学和科研两方面的反思情况进行分析。研究发现,当前高校公共课教师教学反思主要存在学术研究意识薄弱、学术方法欠缺、学术情感淡薄、反思成果封闭化等问题。研究以教学学术理论为分析依据,对以上问题展开讨论。尝试提出改善公共课教师教学反思的策略:唤醒基于学术研究的教学反思意识;开展基于校本研究的教学反思行动;开展以学术团体为载体的教学反思研究;搭建教学反思研究成果公开评议、交流平台。以上策略可以化解"教学"与"科研"的矛盾冲突,使"教学"与"科研"有机结合,让教学不再是一种机械式的重复劳动而是有价值的创造性活动。  相似文献   
This article details one teacher preparation course centering Latin American Testimonio narratives of struggle/survival amid structural oppression for use in secondary curriculum. As our class of predominantly Latina/o students and two Latina instructors engaged Testimonio pedagogy, we fashioned a hopeful alternative to our own experiences of intergenerational oppression. While research indicates that the experiences and histories of pre-service Teachers of Color lend pedagogical strength and critical consciousness to teacher education, three Latina pre-service students highlight the ways in which Testimonio became more than a pedagogical approach. Testimonio’s collectivity, resistance, hope, and assertions of voice and dignity moved through them not as educators first but as (great-grand)daughters of oppressed though still-resilient People(s). Testimonio emboldened these Latina pre-service educators to recognize and validate their own inherited multiliteracies, (re)claim their connectedness to land, and articulate their visions for more equitable schooling. This work advances research into the essentiality of engaging race and ethnicity in K-12 and teacher education curriculum and pedagogy.  相似文献   
As Latinx teachers are recruited to work in U.S. schools, a continued agenda to understand their experiences is warranted. This multiple case study considers the storytelling of six Latinx teachers in a new Latinx diaspora community. It documents both their racial literacy (the ability to resolve racially stressful issues) and their experiences with (un)masking (literal and figurative ways to cover or embrace racial markers). This study reveals the tensions that arise when Latinx teachers attempt to define their identity in social spaces where their languages, bodies, and names, among other markers, are racialized when read by others. Implications for teacher education include a call to include storytelling as a pedagogical tool to develop Latinx teachers’ racial literacy skills. By experiencing storytelling in their own schooling, Latinx teachers are more likely to model such racial literacy skills in their schooling communities; thereby, empowering a generation of students to enact more humanizing behaviors.  相似文献   
SWOT分析法又称作态势分析法,能够将内部的优势劣势、外部的机会威胁逐条列举出来,并据此建立可视化矩阵图,系统全面地提出针对性策略。学前教育作为基础教育的短板,而农村地区学前教育又是学前教育中的短板。借助SWOT模型系统,全面地分析了农村地区学前教育发展的内部与外部的优势(S)、劣势(W)、机会(O)和威胁(T),进而提出相应的增长型战略、扭转型战略、多元化战略和防御型战略,以促进农村地区学前教育平稳、健康发展。  相似文献   
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